Hooker Building, Inc
4746 S. Country Lane
Fremont, MI 49412-9507
Control costs
Where your home is your castle and a smile awaits you!
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One of the first things I ask a customer in the beginning is, do you want the most square footage for the buck? If they say yes, it’s a two story. Twice the house on the same foundation and under the same roof system. Stack all the rooms that need plumbing they heat easier but you have stairs to contend with.
Well how about a ranch? Your cost goes up per square foot but great for elderly or people who can’t do stairs well. I have built homes for impaired people. Large hallways and no 90 degree corners. A perfect home for them.
The all time money saving home is a Cape Cod house. You can get a half story in the first story roof system but back to the stairs again. Post world two, millions were built. They are small and inexpensive
Then we have split levels with usage of the basement half way above grade, good value but one half of a flight of stairs between floors.
So this brings us to the next topic, materials. Good windows or less expensive windows. Oak trim and doors or pine trim and doors. Flush doors or raised panel doors. Tile, wood or carpeted floors. Fiberglass showers or custom tile showers.
There are many other items to consider too. This takes time and patience. Some new homes can be bid out in less than a week and some of my custom homes can take up to six months. But remember, the more you research and price out the happier you will be. And a much more accurate price can be given in the beginning.

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